HVAC and Hotel Management:

The heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system maintains the climate inside the hotel and its effectiveness has a direct connection to guest comfort. The HVAC system is typically the most expensive operating cost that a hotel has, and so penny-pinching hotel managers may be inclined to be frugal with its use or to neglect the proper servicing that it needs to operate. If efforts to save energy and maintain the HVAC system are managed incorrectly, hotel owners can do more damage and incur more costs than they would otherwise by leaving the HVAC system alone.

What Is the Importance of HVAC Systems in Hotels?

It is known to all hoteliers that for a hotel to be a preferred choice for most people despite the reason for their stay, it must provide satisfactory experiences for guests by fulfilling their needs and wants and providing a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Success in the hospitality industry means equipping hotels with the proper HVAC systems, leisure spaces and activities, modern decors, convenient interiors and fine restaurants.

Providing efficient HVAC systems in hotels is especially crucial to guests’ satisfaction, as these systems handle heating, air conditioning and ventilation. Read below to discover the importance of HVAC systems in hotels in detail and what makes HVAC solutions for hotels from LG the right choice for you as a hotelier.

The Importance of HVAC Systems in Hotels

Efficient HVAC systems in hotels ensure your guests have all the following:

1. Hot Sanitary Water

If you are a hotel owner, the last thing you want is your guests having cold water on cold winter days. Such issues and complaints should never surface if you want your guests to have a comfortable and convenient stay, with the right temperature of water to complement the bathroom setup you have in place.

And that is where the HVAC systems’ role comes in.

They ensure your guests have hot water in their rooms as well as in pools, shower rooms, the gym and any other facilities you have as part of your hotel experience.

If you choose to incorporate LG’s HVAC systems in your hotel, you will get free heating and hot water with the systems’ heat recovery technology.

2. The Right Room Temperature

The room temperature makes or breaks the quality of your guests’ stay. They won’t be pleased if they’re cold during winter or hot during summer. The right HVAC system sets the right room temperature for rooms, conference areas, halls, reception areas, fitness facilities and every other corner of your hotel.

LG’s HVAC systems offer enhanced indoor comfort, indoor units that are as quiet as a library, in addition to easy-to-use individual controllers, making it possible for staff to adjust the temperature to different parts of the building as they see fit. Since cost is key to hotels, you will know, as you read on, how LG’s HVAC systems are cost-efficient.

3. Ventilation

Room temperature is one thing, but ventilation is another. Your guest rooms and all other hotel facilities need to be well ventilated and odour-free all the time with a flowing supply of fresh air.

Ventilation is essential to all parts of your hotel during all seasons; however, pay extra attention to the facilities that rely solely on the HVAC systems for fresh air.

4. Managing Big Events

It is no surprise that hotels host big events for different types of corporations and organizations that can last for a few hours or a few days at a time.

These events require different large spaces, which have their own demanding requirements when it comes to heating, air conditioning and ventilation.

A conference room or a hall that is not heated, air-conditioned or ventilated well, will make the guests’ stay unpleasant, especially since such events usually host a large crowd at the same time.

What HVAC provides hotels:

Hotel rooms typically each have their own individual room controls for interior temperature, and so there is great variability in room settings and HVAC requirements room by room. The more that an HVAC system is operating to meet individual room requirements, the more energy it is using. Scheduling the HVAC so that it runs only when necessary is one of the best methods to reduce energy use. The HVAC system should be on for a room only immediately before it is occupied and while it is occupied. HVAC running in empty rooms is extremely wasteful and adds significant unnecessary costs to the operating expenses of the hotel. This idea also applies to common spaces such as meeting rooms and banquet halls. These large spaces have a proportionally massive HVAC load compared to the individual hotel rooms and should be placed on an automation system with demand control, temperature, control, and lighting controls.

You can stop worrying about the heating, ventilation and air conditioning of your hotel’s large spaces and be completely confident when hosting events if you incorporate one of LG’s HVAC systems; its large capacity allows for a reliable supply of fresh air to large spaces with high ceilings.

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