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Air Conditioning Solutions for Pharmaceutical

HVAC equipment for pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, like other industrial process applications, needs to be chosen carefully. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in Pharmaceuticals, “The temperature, relative humidity, and ventilation must be appropriate and must not adversely affect the quality of the pharmaceutical products during their manufacture, storage.”  Pharmaceuticals require the ability to guarantee perfect temperature and humidity controls, which impact the quality of the products manufactured.

Important of Air Conditioning For Pharmaceutical

Pharmaceuticals is a sensitive industrial section itself. For running all kinds of operation including drugs manufacturing and testing Pharmaceuticals need HVAC in these sectors

HVAC Requirements for Production Unit

In particular, the temperature is crucial in the manufacture of medicines. During the preparation of the ingredients, it is critical to maintain precise temperatures so that the ingredients dry and can properly bind to other substances. It is also crucial in assembling the tablets, a process that generates excess heat.

Air Conditioning for Clean Room

Pharmaceuticals require the very best in clean rooms that are uncontaminated and easy to keep to the right conditions. HVAC systems supply the room with large quantities of extremely high filtered air and remove harmful particles. In addition, it removes bacteria and chemicals from the air.

Air Solutions for Laboratories

In pharmaceutical laboratories, experiments need to be done under particular temperatures and humidity in germ-free environments. Air conditioning systems provide a control thermostat to maintain the environment in a specific condition.

Important Aspects

Air conditioning, Ventilation, Heating, all HVAC solutions are needed for different sectors of Pharmaceuticals.

Pharmaceutical laboratories run different experiments at the same time. Separate experiments need different environments. HAVC solutions can provide different environments simultaneously.

In pharmaceutical factories, production rates are not stable. With this flexible production rate, requirements for air conditioning are changing. HVAC technology is made to cope with changeable requirements.

Air Conditioning Solutions for Pharmaceutical Production Unit

Why do we use HVAC systems in Pharmaceutical Production Unit?

Pharmaceuticals involve the heavy manual processing of materials and equipment, pressurized pipelines and equipment, and moving machine parts. Heat, hot liquids, overheated objects, and hot work environments all create additional concerns.

Control Humidity

Liquids, powders, and drug packaging need a specific humidity. The humidity factor is extremely important during the use of water-absorbing materials in drug production processes.

Machine Requirement

Many machines in production units need particular temperatures to generate. Air conditioning controls the machine-generated heat to keep the workplace comfortable.

Air Solutions Advantages of Pharmaceutical Production Unit

To deal with these problems, HVAC solutions need in Pharmaceutical Production Unit besides some advantages.

Air Conditioning Solutions for Pharmaceutical Clean Room

Clean Room Requirements

It’s important to cautiously plan the HVAC systems for pharmaceutical manufacturing plants. As a result, compared to traditional systems, cleanroom HVAC systems often have a much higher rate of air exchange. Clean room HVAC design needs to maintain some requirements for working properly. The things listed below need to maintain with HVAC systems design in the cleanroom.

Why do we use HVAC systems Clean Room?

Understanding work process of clean room is important for pharmaceuticals. HVAC provide perfect solution for clean room working process and maintaining the environment.


Clean room environment protects pharmaceuticals product from contamination. Clean room work like sanitation of pharmaceuticals product. Sometimes in clean rooms many pharmaceuticals product are stored for safety.

Prevent Contamination

Cleanrooms provide a controlled environment free of pollutants and contaminants such as dust, airborne germs, and particles in the air, providing protection for pharmaceutical items. Particle contamination can occur from open-drive or belt-driven components.

Air Solutions Advantages of Clean Room

To deal with these problems, HVAC solutions need in Clean Room besides some advantages.

Air Conditioning Solutions for Pharmaceutical Laboratories

Pharmaceutical Laboratories

In pharmaceutical laboratories, different important tests are running always. Product quality is dependent on these tests. Pharmaceuticals product is connected to mankind’s health. So, These tests are important. List of tests take place in pharmaceutical laboratory.

Why do we use HVAC systems in Pharmaceutical Laboratories?

The involvement of several viruses and live microorganisms is commonly found in some basic drug tests. Pharmaceutical laboratories might use the HVAC solution as a suitable solution to prevent these things from polluting and affecting other things.

Different Chambers

Pharmaceutical laboratories are sensitive places where different experiments take place for different purposes. These experiments need different places to be separate from each other. HVAC solutions provide perfect environment in these experiment chambers for running the experiment.

Provide experimental Environments

Some experiments need a lot of time to complete. So, this experiment requires a particular environment for a long time. HVAC solutions confirm this environment based on reaction time. Also, in chemical reactions, temperature and pressure have effects. HVAC solutions provide these required temperatures and pressures to continue experiments.

Air Solutions Advantages of Pharmaceutical Laboratories

To deal with these problems, HVAC solutions need in Pharmaceutical Laboratories besides some advantages.

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